Setting Up TypeScript Projects and Exploring Classes

Project Setup:

To set up a TypeScript project, follow these steps in the VSCode terminal:

  1. tsc --init: Creates a tsconfig.json file.

  2. npm init -y: Creates a package.json file.

  3. mkdir src dist: Creates src for TypeScript files and dist for distribution files.

Update tsconfig.json:

  "outDir": "./dist",
  // other configurations...

Run TypeScript in watch mode:

tsc -w

Classes in TypeScript:

Classes serve as blueprints for creating objects with properties and methods. The class keyword is used, and the constructor method initializes object properties.

Example 1:

class User {
  email: string;
  name: string;

  constructor(email: string, name: string) { = email; = name;

const person = new User("", "abdul");

Access Modifiers:

  • private: Limits visibility to within the class itself.

  • public: Allows access from any part of the code.

  • protected: Permits access within the class and its subclasses.

Getters and Setters:

Getters and setters provide control over the internal state of a class.


class Example {
  private _value: number = 0;

  get value(): number {
    return this._value;

  set value(newValue: number) {
    this._value = newValue;

const instance = new Example();
console.log(instance.value); // Accessing the getter
instance.value = 42; // Accessing the setter

Protected Access Modifier:

The protected access modifier allows access within the class and its inherited classes.

Why is Interface Important?

Interfaces in TypeScript are crucial because they:

  1. Structure Definition: Define the expected structure of objects.

  2. Type Checking: Enable static type checking for robust code.

  3. Code Organization: Organize code by encapsulating related properties and methods.


interface Person {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  greet(): void;

class Employee implements Person {
  constructor(public name: string, public age: number) {}

  greet(): void {
    console.log(`Hello, my name is ${} and I'm ${this.age} years old.`);

const john: Person = new Employee("John", 30);

This example showcases the use of an interface (Person) to define a contract for objects, providing type checking and enhancing code organization.

Stay tuned for more TypeScript insights and practical tips!